Jun 272015

mouse clicking adsWe are viewing ads every day – on the computer and television, they bother most of us, we usually overlook them.
How about getting paid for viewing these ads? That’s different, isn’t it?
In this article I’ll show you where you can get paid for viewing ads and where you will even get a bonus for that!
I will explain what are PTC sites and what you need to get started.

Viewing ads

Viewing ads is a very simple work that can do really everyone – and you will get very decent extra income.
You can enjoy viewing ads anytime and how long you want, it’s up to you how much time you want to spend on it and how much you want to earn. You only need a computer and an Internet connection.
Everything is free, you dont have to pay anything.
And what more – you are working from the comfort of your home! Absolute freedom, no annoying boss, vacation just when YOU want – you name it, you have it, what more you can wish!

PTC sites are sites that will pay you for viewing ads. You create an account on the PTC site and you are clicking on ads there. You get cash reward for every viewed ad. Then you can withdraw this reward to a virtual account – wallet.
An example of a virtual wallet is PayPal and Payza – the most widely used payment processors on PTC sites. You can then send money from these wallets to your bank account.

What more do I need to get started?

1) Email address

I suggest you to set up a new email address so you separate private emails from emails from PTC sites. You will be receiving paid advertising emails from some PTC sites (you can earn money by reading them), newsletters etc.
Sign up for a Google email – Gmail. You will receive all emails, Gmail is not filtering emails. Sometimes there is a problem that you don’t receive activation emails to other email adresses like Hotmail etc. – they are filtering/censoring emails so sometimes you wont receive even some important emails.
Activation email is important for activation of your account at PTC sites – you won’t be able to complete the registration process without it, you won’t be able to log in and click ads.

 2) Virtual wallet account

I recommend you to set up a PayPal wallet account here, this payment processor is used by every legit PTC site.
You will then enter your PayPal account (which is your PayPal login email) to your account at PTC sites (usually at Settings) so you can withdraw your earned money there.

How to start with PTC sites and where do I get a bonus?

Everything is explained in following article: How to start earning with PTC sites.

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